Xcellent Media

This company is a South Africa based internet marketing company, specialising in web design and search optimisation. They have an office in London. Operating worldwide, they have designed online gaming sites for operators in Germany, Australia, Brazil and China.

In the UK, they have their own site, onlinebingofriends, which is targeted predominantly on the female market, offering their own free bingo games. Xcellent Media have also designed several sites for other operators which are available to UK players – again many with a feminine focused style. These include Love My Bingo, Hitbingo and Steamy Bingo (for a more “Ann Summers” type experience).

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By Matthew

I have been involved in the Bingo and Casino industry since 2007. I created many of the first Bingo & Casino Portals that had extensive information including software platform, payment options included about each site. I own / have owned my own bingo and casino skins. My websites have been included in the EGR Magazine and I have been nominated for iGB Affiliate awards. Because of this I have a lot of industry knowledge and aim to provide bingo and casino players honest information.